Our services transform research into publications online and off that will be read, understood, and acted on.
Brookings Institution
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Evidence Matters (HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research)
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Fiscal Cities Project (College of Planning and Public Policy, UIC)
Funders for Housing Opportunity
Institute for Housing Studies (DePaul University)
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Build Healthy Places Network
Terner Center for Housing Innovation
San Francisco Foundation
SPARCC (Strong, Prosperous and Resilient Communities Challenge)
Urban Institute
Urban Land Institute Chicago
USC Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

We distill complicated research into briefs for various audiences. For , we boiled down research into a “problem/solution” format. For the , we summarized research on affordable housing for a policy audience. We also do longer reports, on the state of affordable housing for the Funders for Housing Opportunity.

We love to dive in and tell a rich story, like in these reported pieces for , or in this for Next City.

We excel in short-form writing for the web. We can write from existing work, ghost-write, or interview for the story. For MasterCard Center for Inclusive Growth, for example, we on why some cities are left behind. For Institute for Housing Studies, we in a gentrifying neighborhood.

Telling a story through visuals means getting to the essence of a piece of research. We did that on Europe’s social mobility.